Maternity Protection for Pregnant Employees

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If you are pregnant and retrenched or dismissed without sufficient reasons at any stage of your pregnancy, your employer must pay full maternity leave benefits to you. It is also an offence for an employer to dismiss an employee while she is on maternity leave.
You are eligible for this protection if you meet all the following criteria:

  1. You have worked for your employer for a continuous duration of at least three months before you are notified of your termination.
  2. You have obtained a doctor’s certification on your pregnancy before any notice of dismissal is given.

For more information, please visit

  • FAQ
    • 1. If my contractual probation period is longer than the three months minimum qualifying period, will I still enjoy maternity protection?

      Yes. The maternity protection will apply to you as long as you have worked for your employer for at least three continuous months before your termination notice. The probationary status will not affect your right to maternity protection.


      The three-month qualifying period is generally considered a reasonable timeframe for an employer to assess a female employee's suitability for employment.

    • 2. Do I need to inform my employer in advance before I go on Maternity Leave?

      Yes. You must inform your employer of your intention to go on Maternity Leave at least one week before the start of leave. You should inform your employer as early as possible, so that he or she can make the necessary work arrangements.

    • 3. I am a pregnant employee. How can I be eligible for maternity protection?

      To be eligible for maternity protection, you must have worked for your employer for a continuous duration of at least three months. You must also obtain a doctor’s certification on your pregnancy, before any notice of dismissal or retrenchment is given.