Citizens' Panel on Work-Life Harmony

Citizens Panel 2019 Infographic
On 28 September 2019, a diverse mix of 55 Singaporeans – ranging from employers and employees from various occupations and sectors, to grandparents and homemakers – convened as a Citizens’ Panel to deliberate the issue of work-life harmony in Singapore. The challenge posed to them was to identify ways to create conditions for greater work-life harmony in Singapore, prioritising what can be acted upon in the next 12 months.

Meeting up every fortnight for four full Saturdays in total, the Panel examined the issue from different perspectives, identified the key barriers, consulted with subject matter experts, weighed the potential costs and benefits of their proposed solutions, and eventually converged on an agreed set of recommendations.

On 9 November 2019, the Panel shared their recommendations with community leaders, representatives from employer and employee groups, and political office holders – key stakeholders who could help to bring their proposals to fruition.

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