Housing Schemes and Grants


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Access to Public Housing

Fiancé / Fiancée Scheme
In a committed relationship and planning to set up a new home together? You can apply for a new or resale Housing & Development Board (HDB) flat even before officially registering your marriage. Click to find out more about the Fiancé-Fiancée Scheme if you are buying a new flat or resale flat.

Income Ceiling 
The monthly household income ceiling to purchase a subsidised flat* is $14,000. For those buying a two-room flexi flat on a 99-year lease or a three-room flat in selected projects, your monthly household income ceiling is $7,000. If you wish to buy an Executive Condominium, the household income ceiling is $16,000.

*A subsidised flat refers to a new flat bought from the HDB, or a resale flat bought with the CPF Housing

First-Timer Privileges

Flat Allocation & Ballot Chances   
First-time home-buyers have a better chance of getting a flat. This is because more flats are set aside for them across mature and non-mature estates. At least 95 per cent of Build-To-Order (BTO) flats in mature estates are set aside for first-time families. Starting from the August 2022 BTO launch, at least 95 per cent of four-room and larger BTO flats and 85 per cent of three-room BTO flats in non-mature estates are set aside for first-time families, up from 85 per cent and 70 per cent respectively.

In addition, first-time home-buyers also get two ballot chances, compared to one for second-time home-buyers. First-time families who had two unsuccessful applications for BTO flats in non-mature estates get an additional ballot for each of their subsequent BTO applications in non-mature estates.

First-time Parents and Married Couples FT(PMC)s

Eligible first-timer families with a child aged 18 and below, and first-timer married couples aged 40 and below, will receive greater priority from August 2023. FT(PMC)s will receive an additional ballot for their flat applications on top of the two ballot chances given to first-timer families.


Priority Schemes

Parenthood Priority Scheme 
Under the Parenthood Priority Scheme (PPS), expectant parents and first-timer married couples with children have priority when applying for an HDB flat. HDB sets aside up to 30 per cent of BTO flats and 50 per cent of Sale of Balance Flats (SBF) for such applicants. From the August 2023 BTO exercise, PPS will be expanded to include First-Timer (Parents & Married Couples) (FT(PMC)s) applicants, and will be renamed as the Family and Parenthood Priority Scheme (FPPS). This means that young married couples who do not yet have children can also receive priority under FPPS if they qualify as FT(PMC). Up to 40 per cent of BTO flats and up to 60 per cent of SBF flats will be set aside for the FPPS.

Married Child Priority Scheme
If you are applying for a flat to live with or near your parents, you can consider the Married Child Priority Scheme. Up to 30 per cent of BTO flats/SBF units (for first-timers) and up to 5 per cent of BTO flats/up to 3 per cent of SBF units (for second-timers) are set aside for eligible applicants. Parents who wish to live near or with their married child can also apply for flats under this priority scheme within eligible areas. 

Third Child Priority Scheme
Larger families, such as those with at least three children, are eligible for this scheme. Up to 5 per cent of BTO flats/SBF units have been set aside to accommodate larger households.

Click here to find out more about the various priority schemes.

Housing Grants

For New HDB Flats
New flats such as BTO flats are generously subsidised. In addition, first-timer couples buying a new flat (excluding ECs) can apply for the Enhanced CPF Housing Grant of up to $80,000 for any flat type and in any estate. Families with lower household incomes will receive a larger grant amount. You can apply for the grant if your combined monthly income is $9,000 or less. The grant amount is tiered, depending on the average gross monthly household income for the 12 months prior to the flat application.

[Enhanced] For Resale HDB Flats
First-timer couples buying a resale HDB flat can receive housing grants of up to $190,000, comprising the CPF Housing Grant for Resale Flats (Families) of up to $80,000, Enhanced CPF Housing Grant of up to $80,000 and Proximity Housing Grant of up to $30,000.

Similar to buyers of new flats, you can also apply for the Enhanced CPF Housing Grant of up to $80,000 if you have a combined income of $9,000 or less. This grant is tiered based on income, so families with lower household incomes will receive a larger grant amount, and families will receive a pro-rated amount if the remaining lease on the flat cannot cover the youngest buyer/spouse till the age of 95.

If you are a first-timer couple with a combined monthly household income of $14,000 or less, you can apply for the CPF Housing Grant for Resale Flats (Families) of up to $80,000 for four-room or smaller resale flats, and $50,000 for five-room or larger resale flats. 

In addition, you may receive a Proximity Housing Grant of $20,000 if you buy a resale flat to live near (i.e. within 4km) your parents or child, or $30,000 if you buy a resale flat to live with your parents or child.

Flexibility for Young Couples

Deferment of Income Assessment for Housing Grants and Loan
First-timer couples who (a) are full-time students or in full-time National Service, or (b) have recently completed their studies or National Service and are planning for marriage, can apply for a flat first. You can defer your income assessment for housing grants and loan till nearer to your key collection appointment. 

Staggered Downpayment Scheme
The Staggered Downpayment Scheme lets you pay your HDB downpayment in two instalments. If at least one applicant is aged 30 years or younger at the point of application, as a first-timer couple, you can just pay the downpayment in two stages – 5 per cent when you sign the Agreement for Lease, and the remainder upon taking possession of your new flat.

Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme
The Parenthood Provisional Housing Scheme is an additional interim housing option for eligible citizen families waiting for their new flats to be completed. Families may qualify if they have booked an uncompleted flat under the HDB Sales Exercise, and have a monthly household income of $7,000 or below.

Click to find out more about the flats offered for application, rental rates, and the full eligibility criteria.